Frequently Asked Questions

Benefits of Storing Frozen Eggs/Sperm for Military Personnel, Cancer Patients, Trans Individuals, and Elective Family Planning at Reprotech

For active-duty military personnel preparing for deployment, storing frozen eggs or
sperm can be a valuable way to protect future family-building options. Deployment,
especially in combat zones, may carry an increased risk of infertility, and cryostoring
eggs or sperm before deployment offers a proactive approach to safeguarding fertility.

Do You Have Concerns About Your Specimen Storage Or Disposition Options?

  • We’re here to support you every step of the way.
  • ReproTech’s network of facilities and infrastructure provides the flexibility needed to
    support your personal family-building choices.
  • ReproTech is familiar with working with clients/clinics in states that have limited the
    ability for patients to make disposition decisions.
  • Currently, there are no federal laws limiting your ability to manage your reproductive