Embryo Disposition and Donation Options

Embryo Disposition Options

Three options are provided for the final disposition of embryos:

  • Anonymous or Directed Donation to another couple; for more information, see the Embryo Donation options below
  • Donation for Research, including stem cell research; for more information, see the Embryo Donation for Research option below
  • Thaw and Discard; please send a request through the Manage My Account page, or call us.

* Please note that you are required to continue paying storage fees while your embryos remain in storage at ReproTech until all disposition paperwork and/or applicable FDA requirements for donation are completed.

Embryo Donation & Disposition Options

Embryo Donation Options

Now is the time to think about the future of your embryos. The reality of infertility can be devastating, as you well know. For many couples, their only hope of achieving a full-term pregnancy begins with donated embryos.

Embryo donation is a wonderful gift, but, as you would expect, the steps required go far beyond just agreeing to donate your embryos. Each program has multiple steps and requirements before a donation is complete. Further, not all embryos will qualify for each donation program. The number, stage, and quality of your embryos will need to be evaluated as well as the source of the gametes (i.e. was a sperm or egg donor used).

Below is a referral list of embryo donation programs that Reprotech has worked with. Basic information about each program has been provided; however, specific questions and requests for additional information should be directed to each program.

We have also provided information about donating to a recipient through the clinic that originally froze your embryos and a research donation option. Please read this information carefully to see if your embryos would qualify for these programs.

Please note that you are required to continue paying storage fees if your embryos remain in storage at Reprotech, while you complete all donation program protocols and/or applicable FDA requirements for donation.

Please click below to expand the sections.

Embryo Donation Program Referrals

Phone: 314-338-3701

Website: ACTS OF KINDNESS Embryo Donation

Contact: Shalistar Young & Jayme Bess

Email: info@aokembryos.com


Donating your embryos through this program:

Average timeline to complete the steps for donation:

On average, it takes 30-45 days for the donation to be processed and shipped to our location. The typical timeline depends significantly on the donor’s prompt completion of the pre-screen application AOK Embryo Donors, our receipt and review of your medical records, and the availability and schedule of the embryology labs for shipping.

Are all embryos accepted?

We consider each donation on a case-by-case basis; however, we cannot accept all embryos. Specifically, we are unable to accept abnormal or high mosaic embryos. However, abnormal embryos can be donated through our partner program for educational purposes.

If not, what criteria are used for acceptance?

We can accept untested or genetically normal embryos. We prefer the genetic female or oocyte source to be 37 years old or younger at the time of the IVF cycle. However, this is a preference, and we review all donations on a case-by-case basis. Please do not let this deter you from applying if you were over 37 at the time of embryo creation. We will make an acceptance determination after reviewing the medical and embryology records.

Can the embryos stay at the storage facility/clinic while steps for donation are completed?

No. Embryos will stay at the storage facility until the donation process is complete. If we can accept your embryos into our program, AOK will facilitate shipping to our lab. We take care of the shipping fee. Matches will be facilitated after the embryos are shipped to our location.

Is testing and screening of the donor(s) required by this program?

Donor eligibility determination is completed according to Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines, with most testing performed prior to the creation of the embryos. If our program requires any additional testing, we will notify the donor directly.

Receiving donor embryos through this program:

Restrictions for receiving donor embryos:

There are no restrictions; we welcome all recipients. We offer non-identified (anonymous), semi-open, and open donation options. AOK does not discriminate based on age, physical appearance, family type, or sexual orientation. Please contact us—we would love to assist you!

Average wait time to receive donor embryos:

We do not currently have a waiting list. The first step is to register as a recipient AOK Recipients. If you do not have a clinic, we are happy to refer you to our partner clinic, Arbor Fertility, located in Chesterfield, Missouri, where they can schedule you right away.

Average cost to receive donor embryos:

On average, for a single embryo adoption with FET treatment most families spend between $10,000-$20,000 depending on the match type and additional services requested. Our base matching package starts at $7,000 and varies depending on the adoption type. For semi-open and open matches, recipients are required to register with the EDC Nexus (Third Party Communication Platform), which incurs a $500 fee (lifetime membership) in addition to the base package.

Does this program ship (or arrange to ship) to any clinic for a cycle at the client’s local clinic?

Yes, we can ship to your clinic once you’ve been medically cleared by your provider, and they accept the embryo profile you’re interested in. State laws may vary, so we recommend discussing with us and your clinic before matching or shipping embryos. We handle shipping internally and use CryoStork as our third-party carrier. The shipping cost within the US is $1,000. For international shipments, please contact us with your clinic address for a quote.

Does this program provide a receiving clinic with a Donor Eligibility Determination document and/or Summary of records prior to shipment of the embryos?

Yes, as part of our donation process, we request all necessary records to determine acceptance into our program. These records are redacted and loaded into the donor’s profile for reference. We encourage you to share them with your chosen provider, as they will need to review and approve them prior to shipment.

Donor Nexus

Phone: 949-433-5635

Website:  https://donornexus.com

Contact:  Miranda Stomp, Case Manager

Email:  info@donornexus.com

Donating your embryos through this program:

Donor Nexus – Donating your embryos to other couples/individuals page

Average timeline to complete the steps for donation:

Typically 2-3 months. Once we receive the embryo profile from the donor parents, we will upload the profile to our database for other Intended Parents to view. Then when we have an interested Intended Parent we will facilitate the shipping of the embryos between the current storage facility/clinic to HRC Fertility. All embryos must be shipped to our partnering clinic HRC Fertility, we cannot ship embryos to other clinics.

Are all embryos accepted?

We are only accepting PGT-A tested embryos or untested blastocyst embryos of 4 or more that were frozen in the last 15 years.

If not, what criteria are used for acceptance?


Can the embryos stay at the storage facility/clinic while steps for donation are completed?

Yes. Embryos will stay at their existing location until all donation steps are completed. We will then facilitate shipping to HRC Fertility in Southern California.

Is testing and screening of the donor(s) required by this program?

Yes, we require infectious disease screens and/or FDA labs on both partners and we will review the donor eligibility determination form.

Receiving donor embryos through this program:

Donor Nexus Embryo Donation Program Page

Restrictions for receiving donor embryos:

Donor Nexus supports the right of all loving families to access care, including traditional married couples, unmarried couples, same-sex couples, and individuals seeking a single-parent family. The age limit from HRC physicians is 53 years old.

Average wait time to receive donor embryos:

We are one of the only embryo donation programs without a waitlist. We currently have 70+ profiles available on our newly updated database. The typical timeline from securing an embryo to having a transfer is 2-3 months. We have both nonidentified and open ID donations and we do not require a home study to be completed prior to the embryo transfer.

Average cost to receive donor embryos:

Our donor embryo cycles start at $9,400 USD per cycle, excluding pre-testing, medications, and frozen embryo transfer.

Does this program ship (or arrange to ship) to any clinic for a cycle at the client’s local clinic?

All embryo transfers must be completed at HRC Fertility. We will facilitate and pay for the shipping from the current storage facility/clinic to HRC Fertility.

Does this program provide a receiving clinic with a Donor Eligibility Determination document and/or Summary of records prior to shipment of the embryos?

Yes, all records will need to be approved.


Embryo Connections

Phone: 303-903-0433

Website: www.embryoconnections.org

Contact: Deb Roberts, CEO/Founder

Email: deb@embryoconnections.org

Donating your embryos through this program:

Average timeline to complete the steps for donation:

Donors complete preparation steps including a profile with recipient criteria and interaction preferences. Embryo Connections matches families and facilitates the clinical and logistic components of the donation typically within 6 – 8 months, depending on Donor criteria and characteristics. However, a donor’s active participation in the process can be counted in hours. Donors are reimbursed for up to one year of storage plus other costs incurred during donation.

Are all embryos accepted?

No. Embryo Connections accepts embryos with a reasonable probability of success.

If not, what criteria are used for acceptance?

Embryo Connections accepts day 5+ vitrified embryos in batches of 2 or more. Embryo grades, medical records, and the originating lab may impact acceptance into the program. If you are unsure, please contact Embryo Connections. Most embryos can be accepted.

Can the embryos stay at the storage facility/clinic while steps for donation are completed?

Yes. Embryos remain at their existing location – the donating clinic or long-term storage facility – until all donation steps are completed. Donors are reimbursed for up to one year of storage.

Is testing and screening of the donor(s) required by this program?

Yes. Donor eligibility determination is completed per Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines. A genetic risk assessment and/or genetic carrier screen may also be requested.

Receiving donor embryos through this program:

Restrictions for receiving donor embryos:

Embryo Connections is inclusive of all races, religions, sexual orientations, and family formats. Age is limited by receiving clinic and ASRM guidelines, with a maximum of 52 yrs old. All Recipients must pass a criminal background check.

Average wait time to receive donor embryos:

6 – 10 months total, depending on donor criteria and characteristics. This time frame includes 3 – 7 months to match, and 3 months for all logistic requirements to deliver the batch of embryos to the receiving clinic.

Average cost to receive donor embryos:

$7,500 – $10,000 depending on requirements for the individual donation. ($5,000 – $7,500 for a known donation.)

Does this program ship (or arrange to ship) to any clinic for a cycle at the client’s local clinic?:

Yes. Embryo Connections will coordinate shipment to the Recipient’s clinic after the receiving clinic approves embryo suitability/eligibility and completes necessary steps to finalize the donation.

Does this program provide a receiving clinic with a Donor Eligibility Determination document and/or Summary of records prior to shipment of the embryos?

Yes, the Donor suitability and eligibility document contains medical history, embryology reports, thaw protocols, FDA screening, and summary of records. Embryo Connections works with the facilities and provides all needed documents for a smooth donation.

Embryo Donation Int'l

Phone: 800-334-2184

Website:  www.embryodonation.com

Email:  coordinator@embryodonation.com

Donating your embryos through this program:

Average timeline to complete the steps for donation:

Depends on the timeliness of the donors completing paperwork and the length of time in receiving information from the clinical laboratory where the embryos were frozen.

Are all embryos accepted?


If not, what criteria are used for acceptance?

Embryos are accepted on a case-by-case basis after evaluating embryology data and history.

Can the embryos stay at the storage facility/clinic while steps for donation are completed?

Embryos are stored at their existing location (the donating clinic or long-term storage facility) until all steps are complete to donate.

Is testing and screening of the donor(s) required by this program?

When applicable, re-testing of donors is offered, however, it is not mandatory.

Receiving donor embryos through this program:

Restrictions for receiving donor embryos:

Patients must be 55 or younger. Other factors are addressed on a case-by-case basis.

Average wait time to receive donor embryos:

4 – 6 months for people who request Caucasian embryos. Please contact this program for more information about other embryos.

Average cost to receive donor embryos:

Varies depending on the type of donation process.

Does this program ship (or arrange to ship) to any clinic for a cycle at the client’s local clinic?

No. All transfers are done at the Embryo Donation facility. Embryos are not shipped out to other clinics.

Does this program provide a receiving clinic with a Donor Eligibility Determination document and/or Summary of records prior to shipment of the embryos?

Not applicable.


Website: www.embryodonation.org

Contact: Carol Sommerfelt

Phone: 865-777-2013

Email: csommerfelt@baby4me.net

Donating your embryos through this program:

Average timeline to complete the steps for donation:

Approximately 6 – 8 months.

Are all embryos accepted?

Yes, however, if one of the donating partners is positive for an infectious disease that requires storage in a quarantine tank, those embryos are not shipped to the National Embryo Donation Center (NEDC) until a match is found and only at the time of the transfer. The donating couple is responsible for storage fees until shipment.

If not, what criteria are used for acceptance?

Not applicable.

Can the embryos stay at the storage facility/clinic while steps for donation are completed?

Embryos must stay at the storage facility/clinic while the donation process is pending. Embryos are moved to the NEDC facility prior to the matching process with the receiving couple.

Is testing and screening of the donor(s) required by this program?

Yes. Donor eligibility determination is completed per Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines.

Receiving donor embryos through this program:

Average wait time to receive donor embryos:

6 – 8 months.

Average cost to receive donor embryos:

Approximately $7500 which includes medical costs and required home study.

Does this program ship (or arrange to ship) to any clinic for a cycle at the client’s local clinic?

No. All embryo recipient couples must travel to the program’s facility in Knoxville, TN for 2 visits.

Does this program provide a receiving clinic with a Donor Eligibility Determination document and/or Summary of records prior to shipment of the embryos?

Not applicable.


Website: Nightlight.org

Contact: Jen Grams

Phone: 970-578-9700

Email: info@nightlight.org

Donating your embryos through this program:

Average timeline to complete the steps for donation:

Embryo donors will select the family who will receive their donated embryos. Generally, it takes between 4 – 12 months from the time you begin the application and when you are matched with a recipient.

Are all embryos accepted?

Contact this program for information.

If not, what criteria are used for acceptance?

Contact this program for information.

Can the embryos stay at the storage facility/clinic while steps for donation are completed?

Yes! Embryos remain at their existing location – the donating clinic or long-term storage facility – until all donation steps are completed. One free year of storage provided if embryos are moved to our partner storage facility.

Is testing and screening of the donor(s) required by this program?

Yes. Donor eligibility determination is completed per Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines.

Receiving donor embryos through this program:

Restrictions for receiving donor embryos:

The female recipient must be able to carry a pregnancy to term. Recipients must complete a home study and have a clear criminal background check and a clear child abuse record. The program is Christian-based and states that they “work with families without discrimination and are committed to helping each assess their potential success with our program.” Embryo donor will select the family who will receive the donated embryos.

Single women are eligible to receive donor embryos, however, there may be a wait to be matched with a donating couple who has selected to work with a single woman. Female recipients must apply before age 45 and male recipients before age 55.

Average wait time to receive donor embryos:

1-4 months.

Average cost to receive donor embryos:

Approximately $9,000

Does this program ship (or arrange to ship) to any clinic for a cycle at the client’s local clinic?

Yes! The Nightlight/Snowflakes program has preferred partner relationships with a specific set of fertility clinics located throughout the U.S. Contact the program for more information.

Does this program provide a receiving clinic with a Donor Eligibility Determination document and/or Summary of records prior to shipment of the embryos?

Contact this program for information. Please note that if a compliant Summary of Records is not received by Reprotech before shipping, Reprotech will ship the donor embryos in quarantine to the receiving clinic or donation program.

Donating through your originating clinic (not available at all clinics)

Requirements for Embryo Donation through the Originating Clinic

Contact Reprotech if you are a current ReproTech cryostorage client wanting to donate your embryos through the clinic where you underwent your IVF procedures.

Many clinics that work with ReproTech for long-term storage of their former patients’ embryos, also have active embryo donation programs, and prefer to provide donation services “in-house.” There are some advantages to this, the biggest being that the laboratory at the clinic should be very familiar with the cryopreservation system used to freeze and thaw your embryos, and thus have the possibility of a better outcome when compared to a laboratory that has not used that particular system before.

While we live in a relatively “transient” society today, donation at the clinic you used does increase the likelihood that any resulting children will be located nearer to you. You may view this as a positive, especially if the donation is an “open” donation and you wish to maintain contact with the recipient(s) and/or children.

The first step would be for you to contact the clinic where you underwent your IVF procedures to see if they offer donations. As your embryos are being stored in a Reprotech facility, and you have a cryostorage agreement with Reprotech, you will also need to contact ReproTech for necessary forms so that we can coordinate the transfer of your embryos back to the clinic for donation.

Keep in mind that you are responsible for storage fees until your embryos are transferred back to the IVF center. Additionally, depending on previous arrangements with the center, you may incur shipping fees.


Embryo Donation for Research

Embryo Donation for Research Options

ReproTech strives to provide our clients with disposition options that both meet the clients’ desires as well as provide opportunities for the advancement of science. However, the reality is that research facility options are becoming increasingly limited, and some state laws prohibit participation. Limitations may be based on the state where the donor resides and others may be based upon the state where the embryos are stored.

There are many factors that must be evaluated when donation for research is considered. In almost all cases, patients wishing to donate their embryos for research will be required to complete specific consent forms approved by the Institutional Review Board of each research facility.

At this time ReproTech is able to provide the following options for donation to research. Please note that these programs may close for new donations at any time so what is available today may not be available next week.

Note that state laws may prohibit participation.


University of Michigan

Currently only accepting preimplantation genetically tested embryos where a genetic defect or abnormality has been identified (PGT-M and/or PGT-A tested). Embryos must not have been created with donor oocytes (eggs) or donor semen. Also potentially infectious embryos will not be accepted as all infectious disease testing results for both donors must be negative or non-reactive. The primary focus of the study is the development of disease-affected human embryonic stem cell lines.

More than 40 scientists are active participants in the Center for hES Cell Research. The research ranges in scope from studies of the fundamental biology of stem cells and the human embryo to understanding the development of all the organ systems in the body to therapeutics and bioengineering of tissues and organs.

ReproTech requires documentation of final disposition, including notarized signatures of our clients. When you are ready to make a donation of your embryos, or if you just have questions, please contact us and we would be happy to explain the process and send you the required form.

Read more about the Center for hES Cell Research program.