Fertility, Hope, and Survival: Megan’s Inspiring Journey Through Breast Cancer

“Knowing we secured the possibility of more children one day by freezing my eggs gave us a sense of hope going into intense chemo treatment for Stage 3B breast cancer.”

In recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, we’re honored to share Megan’s fertility preservation journey and her decision to trust ReproTech as the long-term cryostorage partner for her precious eggs. Here’s her story:

Megan’s Journey with BRCA 1 and Stage 3B Breast Cancer

At 23, Megan discovered she had the BRCA 1 gene, significantly increasing her risk of breast and ovarian cancer. Because of her family’s history with these cancers, she began annual breast MRI screenings. At 30, she transitioned to mammograms, and in July 2021, just two weeks after a clear mammogram, she noticed a painful lump in her breast. Megan was diagnosed with Triple Negative Stage 3B Breast Cancer.

The diagnosis came only eight months after the loss of her mother to ovarian cancer. “The emotions were overwhelming and came crashing down. The pain of this new diagnosis weighed heavily on my heart. I was devastated at the thought of my 4-year-old daughter witnessing me go through treatment, remembering how difficult it had been for me to watch my mom endure chemotherapy when I was 15.”

During this time, Megan and her now-husband were planning to get married. “It felt like our entire world had been turned upside down, and the exciting promises and dreams of our future seemed to vanish. As my husband and I decided to elope and cancel our wedding, we were confronted with another harsh reality of my cancer diagnosis: the uncertainty of having children in the future.”

Choosing Fertility Preservation with ReproTech

Amidst the whirlwind of doctor’s appointments, Megan was referred to a fertility clinic, where she was presented with the option of fertility preservation. She and her husband decided to freeze her eggs before starting chemotherapy. Despite the fast-paced timeline, they successfully froze five eggs.

“Knowing we secured the possibility of more children gave us hope. Instead of worrying about the “what ifs” of chemo wiping out my eggs, I was able to tackle chemo and think ‘one day’. One day, I could possibly have more children from my frozen eggs. One day, I could watch my husband become a dad. One day, my daughter could have brothers or sisters to love. I didn’t have to worry about everything that felt taken from me.” The decision to freeze her eggs allowed her to focus on chemotherapy with the comfort of knowing that her future family options were preserved.

Afterward, Megan’s eggs were sent to ReproTech for long-term cryostorage. “Securing the possibility of a future by moving my eggs into long-term cryostorage lifted an enormous weight off my shoulders. Our eggs were sent to Reprotech for storage, which was another gift of comfort. With our eggs being handled by such a reputable company, we knew we wouldn’t have to worry about the future.”

A Message of Hope and Encouragement

While Megan and her family are still unsure if they will ever use the frozen eggs, she is incredibly grateful for the option. Her message to other women facing cancer is clear: “I encourage any woman facing this diagnosis to consider fertility preservation. You never know what the future holds or what you may want after your battle with cancer.”

Megan’s cancer treatments, including chemotherapy, surgery, and radiation, were successful. “Thankfully, I was able to complete my chemo treatments on schedule, undergo a successful surgery, and finish off my journey with radiation. It’s been over 2 years since I was able to say, ‘I beat cancer!’; a milestone I wish for every cancer patient.”


Thank you, Megan E., for sharing your cancer and fertility preservation story!

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with cancer and plans to preserve fertility, ReproTech offers a financial assistance program, Verna’s Purse, providing discounted long-term cryostorage fees for reproductive tissues stored at ReproTech. Qualifications and applications for Verna’s Purse.