Low Fees.
Safest Storage.
Best value for your money.
Since 1990, we’ve done one thing, and done it better than anyone — provide safe, reliable long-term storage for reproductive tissue. We’ve perfected our procedures and protocols. We’ve added locations, made our facilities more secure, and made it easy to ship specimens from your clinic to ReproTech. And we’ve done it all without adding extra fees. While others add setup, handling, withdrawal, and prep fees, we have just one fee — the storage fee. And it is consistently among the lowest in the industry.
ReproTech offers you the best value for what you pay in fees by providing:
Safe Storage Facilities. Tested & Proven Processes.
ReproTech has five regional facilities offering Disaster-Proof Safe Storage Rooms, custom built with either a hurricane, tornado or fireproof room so that you can rest assured that no matter what happens outside, your specimens are safe inside.
To prepare for improbable scenarios, as an extra precaution, ReproTech goes above and beyond in the following ways:
- Client specimens are split between two storage tanks when possible.
- Back-up storage tanks are kept empty, cold, and prepared for a scenario where specimens might need to be moved for safety.
- Large liquid nitrogen bulk tanks are installed in each ReproTech location, offering a substantial supply of nitrogen on the premises.
- Comprehensive alarm systems, including motion detection, help protect our facilities. Main entrances remain locked at all times. Storage tank area is additionally secured by keypad entry and 24/7 camera monitoring in every tank room.
Multi-Layer Monitoring
ReproTech operates a sophisticated cloud-based system of internal temperature sensors capable of detecting variations as slight as .01 degrees Celsius. We have also implemented or begun implementing the following:
- External temperature monitoring sensors
- Liquid nitrogen level sensors: operate on a completely different system over an entirely different communication line.
- Redundant notification systems for monitoring, using both Wi-Fi and cellular service to deliver immediate notifications to ReproTech staff via phone, email, and text.
- Frequent measuring of nitrogen liquid levels with net evaporation rate (NER) tracking and predictive analysis.
- Weekly testing of alert call-out systems to ensure functionality.
Trained & Experienced Staff
ReproTech’s success is due to our staff’s knowledge, experience, and commitment, many of whom have been with us for over ten years. Our team knows how important it is to safeguard your irreplaceable specimens.