ReproTech maintains multi-step safety procedures to eliminate potential cross-contamination between reactive and non-reactive embryos, semen, testicular tissue, oocytes (eggs) and ovarian tissue. From the clinic, to the maintenance of the specimens at ReproTech, these extra steps allow for the safety of reproductive tissue storage for all patients.
After a patient establishes an account with ReproTech, we will request serology test results for communicable diseases such as HIV, Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, Syphilis, or SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19. If a test shows a reactive result, ReproTech will send a shipping container for transport that is dedicated for potentially infectious specimens.
When the specimens reach ReproTech, our staff will record the arrival and then separate the specimens into special vapor storage tanks depending on the testing results. For example, specimens that have a reactive result for Hepatitis B are kept separate from specimens with Hepatitis C reactivity. We also store specimens separately that have a “false” reactive result (initial reactive result followed by a non-reactive result), keeping them in different vapor canisters than specimens that do not have confirmatory negative results.
Read more about our Potentially Infectious Storage and Frequently Asked Questions, or you can contact your nearest ReproTech location.