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October 4, 2013 - The American Association of Tissue Banks recognized Russell Bierbaum, ReproTech, Ltd. founder and former President, for his contributions to the tissue banking industry this week at its annual meeting. The American Association of Tissue Banks' Jeanne Mowe Distinguished Service Award is given annually to an individual who has made a significant contribution to tissue banking or transplantation, whether in research, education, or laboratory improvement, or who has served the Association or the field of tissue banking. The individual has demonstrated leadership qualities and a consistent willingness to lend his or her expertise to the Association [Read More...]
SOURCE: by Paul Ford, March 24, 2014 - When my wife and I did in vitro fertilization, the doctor put two blastocysts in her because that bettered the odds that one would take. He handed my wife a picture, two lumpy circles in black-and-white on slippery thermal paper. They looked like rice cakes. Blastocysts are early embryos. These had been fertilized five days prior -- which, because we'd actually fertilized four of them, left two embryos for later. So in one of the surprises of my married life, my wife and I became custodians of about 200 cells that [Read More...]
SOURCE: Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics April 2014, Volume 31, Issue 4, pp 471-475 A recent article in the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics concluded that storage time did not influence the survival and pregnancy outcomes of slow-frozen early cleavage human embryos. The developmental potential of cryopreserved human embryos with different storage times does not appear to have a negative influence on further development. Access the article on SpringerLink
May 9, 2014 - NBC news On the NBC news segment titled, "Delaying Pregnancy Becomes New Normal", anchor Brian Williams said, "Women are waiting longer to have children if they can afford to" and cited that in the last decade, there's been a 35% increase among women, ages 40-44, having children for the first time and up 900% over the last 4 decades in women over 35 having their first child. With the American Society For Reproductive Medicine's lift of the "experimental" label on egg freezing last year, it is evident that a growing number of women are freezing their [Read More...]
May 28, 2015 - Article courtesy of New Orleans - Fertility counseling for men with cancer, prior to initiating treatment, can increase the rate of sperm preservation, according to a new survey presented during the 110th Annual Scientific Meeting of the American Urological Association (AUA). The research was highlighted by study authors during a special press conference. Tobias S. Kohler, MD, MPH, FACS, associate professor of Surgery at Southern Illinois University moderated the session at the Ernest N. Morial Convention Center in New Orleans, LA on May 17, 2015. Chemotherapy can cause infertility in men, affect his quality and [Read More...]
For patients with low fertility, embryo donations and IVF centers provide the hope of still having a family one day despite less-than-ideal circumstances. As recently reported in the New York Times article, Unused Embryos Pose Difficult Issue: What to Do With Them, these services continue to rapidly grow in popularity. In fact, IVF procedures now account for more than 1.5% of all births in the United States. Once an embryo is created, it may take one or several procedures to achieve pregnancy. But what happens with the unused embryos once the ultimate goal is achieved? This has been an issue [Read More...]
August 13, 2015 - ReproTech, Ltd., the leading cryobank specializing in long-term storage of human reproductive tissue (sperm, eggs, embryos and ovarian and testicular tissue), announces the appointment of Gina Davis, M.S., L.C.G.C., as a member of its Medical Advisory Committee. Ms. Davis is a licensed, board-certified genetic counselor, who specializes in the field of reproductive medicine. ReproTech's Medical Advisory Committee is comprised of distinguished experts who represent a comprehensive range of experience and knowledge in the Reproductive Science and Fertility industries. The mission of the Committee is to ensure that ReproTech adheres to the highest standards and protocols as it [Read More...]
Listen Listening... 0:00 / 4:39 Six-year-old Mylah Bryant has a blood disease (aplastic anemia) that required chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center. Not only did doctors discuss making her well, they asked her parents if they wanted to preserve tissue so she could reproduce years later without the damaging effects of chemotherapy. It was a lot to think about, according to Mylah's dad Matthew, but because his daughter jokingly said "she wanted 1,000 children," he knew being a mother was important to her. This decision was on top of other decisions he and his [Read More...]
Source: February 10, 2017 - At 8 years old and with leukemia, Jhayliegh Rosales is years away from thinking about having her first baby. When the ebullient second-grader checked into Children’s Mercy Hospital recently in preparation for a bone marrow transplant, she’d placed a pink cap over where her brown hair used to be. In brave declaration of her future, she wore a T-shirt printed with “WATCH ME WIN” as she rolled through the hospital’s halls, balancing inside a new pair of silver high-top sneakers embedded with wheels like roller skates. “She just got those,” said her father Daniel [Read More...]
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